Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A quick "we're ok" from Rennes, France


I hate to make this such a quick post, because there is much to be said.......but.....we must return to the train station shortly to try to catch a ferry to Ireland.

The last week has been spent in a monastery in France called Taizé. It was superb........great enough to deserve many posts...it would be an injustice to even try in the few minutes I have here. In short, we met a group of Dutch folks who proved to be our family for the week....and we already miss them very much (and are scheming ways to get to the Netherlands and visit soon).

We left Taizé early Monday morning.....rode on trains all day....made it to Pontorson....our resort-style campsite from many weeks ago....only to find the town mobbed by vacationing French...go figure. Everything was full, and we ended up camping in the lawn of an apartment complex....free....and it worked out ok. We are now in Rennes, attempting to find a ferry to Ireland....there are two ports......one that leaves today and will be difficult to reach by departure time.....one that leaves in two days and would be easy to reach tonight......ferry schedules hate us.....and the feeling is mutual.

We are both itching to get back home....it didn't take me long to tire of traveling....although it has gone in phases, and I've loved most of it.....Dave just reached the "tired of traveling point" a day or two ago. We have a week to pass before heading home.....in Ireland....rough, eh?

Fresh news......I am excited to return to the Best Western on a part-time basis shortly after my return to help fill-in for a vacationing night auditor for a month....then hopefully take a part-time position helping to manage reservations. It will be nice to make some money instead of spend it......although, time with family and friends will be my foremost goal....my work schedule will fall in line with that goal....but....can't wait to see all those great folks again.

Much love to all.......we will blog more in depth within a few days.


At 5:23 AM, Blogger peacefield said...

dude - looking forward to hearing you fill us in on the many stories that didn't make it to the blog. your quiet during taize was appropriate i suppose, but it reminded me of the dead zone astronauts go through re-entering the earth's atmosphere....eerie silence for a short time while everyone holds their breath to see if they'll ever talk again. it was good to see you come out of the dead zone - er, church. ;) sounds like it was worth putting a week into for sure.

oh, sot it all, catch you sometime after ireland (which, incidentally, should prove to be an interesting way to balance out your being after taize).

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Marianne said...

I am glad to hear or read from you again... Can't wait to hear about your week... safe travels.. love ya


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