Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We have touchdown (safe and sound in Dublin, Ireland)

Sitting in my first internet cafe at 12:47 Ireland time. They really are prevalent and cheap thus far....we found this one by the information bureau....costs 1 euro (approx. 1.25 USD) for 30 mins. So, I'll type until I get close....then end abruptly.

The flight was as good as a flight can be.....I hate to fly..makes me feel light-headed...gives me a headache (a good walk in the brisk weather has helped). We started by taxi-ing for about 2 hours in Chicago. I was excited enough about leaving to not notice. The flight itself was about 7 hours. I got very ansy at about hour 5. Dave was sleeping, and my muscles were not too happy about being still for that long....so....I took a few laps around the plane (the seatbelt sign was off) to stretch out. In-flight food was pretty good.....had my traditional in-flight ginger ale (I always have ginger ale on flights...and really nowhere else).

We met up with Kevin and Cory at baggage claim. We then found the one ATM that was working in the airport along with a nice line.....and...after taking out 100 euros (approx. 125 dollars) we realized we had received 2, 50s. So, then we had to hunt down an exchange booth to get smaller bills. Then, on the bus into Dublin (about a 30 min ride). We stopped at the Temple Bar portion of town....very big for touristy stuff and clubs. We walked to the information bureau and then hit this cafe.....you're all caught up to speed.

We found out that the closest campsite is about 45 mins. away via bus and a little more expensive than planned.....20 euro per site.....2 per site....so...10 per person unless we can all fit on one and pay an extra person type charge.

My pack is nice and heavy...I'm playing with different strap arrangements to get it sitting just right on my hips....instead of my shoulders...which will be nice and sore by days-end.

The next stop will probably be a pub to grab a pint of the local brew.... We met a nice gentleman from Grand Rapids waiting on our plane....he said that the young person drink is Baulmer's, which is a type of cider. He said it is a little different (not a lot) to see younger folks drinking Guiness (it has become an old man's drink)....fairly odd to see a younger girl with a Guinness....said it happens, but.....might get a different look There is also Carlsberg....a traditional ale....

Our tentative plan for Ireland is Killarney and Ring of Kerry....possibly Tralee....all have said that these are great must-sees.......Cliffs of Mohr also. Our Grand Rapids pal said that Dublin is city-like expensive...and that all of Ireland is pricey (recent economic growth has increased prices by about 25% just in the last 3 years or so). He had backpacked around 5 years ago and recommended Eastern Europe....said it is very cheap.....hostels are only around 8 USD/night....and that food and drink are a few bucks. The tentative hope is to get as far in Germany as possible (where our passes are good)....then pay to get into say...Warsaw.....Prague...Budapest.

Well.....I was looking at the wrong meter.....I am getting close to 30 mins., and I didn't realize it.

So.....much love to all back in the states. I have landed safe and sound......I'll let you know how the camping goes.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Away we go...(part 2)

It is now....3:37am. I leave tomorrow at 1pm.....let the countdown begin. There are always more things to do....and I'm kinda nervous/excited, so sleeping can wait, and with all the people I've told about my blog....I better get in the habit.

One of the things I realized in my round of weekend goodbyes is how lucky I am. I have such wonderful family and friends....seeing them all in a few days made it hit home. I am really looking forward to experiencing Europe....but I am also looking forward to having time to spend with ya'll when I get back!

Alex, Bailey, and Danielle: I hope you had a good time at Cindy and Mike's this weekend....did you get to go fishing? I hope that pool is up and running by the time I get back, so I can go swimming! (After I bring my mitt and play catch with Alex, of course).

Bradley: Don't give your parents too much trouble this summer....

Kyle: Enjoy the new job....

Derrick: Also, enjoy the new job....

Mom and Dad: Love you guys....I wouldn't be able to do this (save up enough money to go) without having cool enough parents that I could 1)crash at their house still 2)they're cool enough that I can handle living at home.

Youth group duders and dudets: Have a good summer. Welcome Jeff with open arms and live life joyfully. I'll have some good stories when I return....I better hear some good ones from ya'll too.

Christ Church folk: May all the transitions (our current buzzword, eh?) go well. God is doing a NEW THING (Isaiah 43....what a good chapter for our current time).

Rachel: Enjoy Brookston and your summer.....remember to tell all the boys that you have a very large, semi-crazy brother who likes to kick the asses of any boys who toy with your heart.

That's all my shout-outs for now.

To bed for now.....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

And away we go...

Howdy all,

With any close scrutiny of my blog, you would soon realize that I have been less than successful at blogging while in the US...even with two jobs that involved I sitting at the computer for long spans of time...so, I don't know that I will be much better while traveling....but, I will try. May this be the start to my vain attempt to keep folks informed while gallivanting abroad.

For all who are not privy to my undertaking...Monday (May 29th) I leave for a two-month backpacking trip through Europe. It's been in the works for about two years...ever since Dave and I went the first time and fell in love with the notion of traveling without much of an itinerary... So....the plan is to hit around 10 countries in two months (we return August 1st). We will be approximately visiting...Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Spain....although, we may fall in love with a country and stay longer....or dislike one and just pass through...the beauty is in the lack of planning.....we hope. I couldn't find any quality travelmates, so I gathered up some scrubs. David LaSuer and Kevin Haas will have my back for the entirety of the trip, while Cory Vought will be joining us the first month (Ireland through Norway approximately). With our powers combined, we are.....well...still a ragtag bunch...but....as dave's blog says....four friends getting in way over their heads...and loving it. Dave's blog is: www.losthoosier.blogspot.com (a fitting title....).

I apologize to those who did not get a proper goodbye....forgive me...and save some extra fervor for a "welcome back". So....feel free to communicate with me via comments to my posts....or e-mail (www.joshuadexter@gmail.com). I'll do my best to check when I can....but....I'll admit it won't be my first priority...although, I'm unsure what that first priority is.....fun? Finding the Holy Grail? Finding Waldo? Finding seems to be a theme....finding something I guess.....off to Europe to find something. So....cheers to that. Love ya'll and see ya in two months.

Bon Voyage,